an online movie collection for multiple user

What is WebMovieDB

WebMovieDB is a web-tool that allows multiple users to manage their collections of movies/series online. It allows the users to share what they own, giving the possibility to borrow movies from each other an keep track of it.
Don't expect to download a movie, the database is just here to manage your collection

Some Features

Got mor ideas? Please feel free to tell us: moviedb@circle.priv.at

User Types

Anonymous User

No authorisation is required for just viewing the entries in the database. However, all other features are not accessable

View User

The view user has the basic options to search and navigate the contents of webmoviedb. Also messaging other users is included

Edit User

The edit user in addition can add new movies to the database, duplicate versions of movies, edit his own movies and versions

Admin User

The admin user in addition is allowed to use the control panel, where history logs can be viewed, users can be administered (also passwords set), messages be coordinated

Go for a test drive

You can try webmoviedb by just following the links below
Just take look at MovieDB using anonymous access or
Login with the following username / password combination:

view / view
edit / edit

Enjoy! (C)2001 by Jester and Random with special thanx to
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